Dance Tasting

Wine and dance - dance and wine. They share one sad reality - many avoid discussing them. They fear they won't know correct terminology or recognize the good from the bad. They believe there is a right and a wrong - a better and a worse. 

But, I have a writer friend stepping into the unknown - researching and learning about concert dance for a feature story. He's asking questions and forming opinions. He's discussing dance for the first time, learning as he goes, and realizing it's all in the eye of the beholder.  

Inspired by my friend, this is my nudge - go see a dance show! If you've never seen one, even better reason to check it out! Once you've gone, discuss with a friend and stay true to whatever feeling it inspires - even if that's boredom. That's fine! Just try. Embark on a "dance tasting". Like wine, it's not about the expert opinion, it's about how it makes you feel and the conversation it sparks. Try a modern dance show but put it down if it's too dry. Try a tap show but move away if too sweet. Who knows, you might just find that perfect glass before that perfect show. 

New things - the only way to go. If you try dance, I'll try snowboarding. ;) 

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